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Good News!  We service Warminster, PA.

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commercial propane delivery services
propane in Warminster, PA

Warminster Township, PA

Warminster is a township within Bucks County, Pennsylvania with a large population of around 32,600 residents. Warminster was named after a small town in the county of Wiltshire, at the western extremity of Salisbury Plain, England. Warminster was mostly settled by English and Scotch-Irish colonists after William Penn received a grant of land in the area from King Charles, II. It was the site of the Battle of Crooked Billet during the Revolutionary War, which resulted in a resounding defeat for George Washington’s colonial troops. Warminster’s most significant historical figure was William Tennent, an outspoken religious leader, and educator. Warminster began as a small farming community, and agriculture was central to most of its history. The first steamboat model was designed and made in Warminster township. John Fitch and Steven Pagano were the inventors and designers of the model steamboat that was tried out on the Delaware River and successfully floated. During World War II, the U.S. Navy acquired an industrial site here from the Brewster Aeronautical Corporation in 1943. The Center initially served as a weapons development and airplane testing facility. The Naval Air Warfare Center, previously called the Johnsville Naval Air Development Center and then the Naval Air Development Center, operated in Warminster from World War II until it closed in 1996. As recently as 1955, the township had no residential subdivisions and only one housing complex, Lacey Park on Street Road. In the 1960s the naval site became adapted as a training center for the Mercury, Gemini, and Apollo space programs. The facility also developed a prototype “black box,” best known as the indestructible recorder of cockpit conversations and information in the event of a crash.
Propane is something that the residents of Warminster will never get confused over with the help of our propane company, Gastec. This eco-friendly power source is a great way to fuel your home or business. Propane is a clean power source that we specialize in here at Gastec. We offer our clients services for both residential and commercial uses. When you are turning on the stove or switching on the lights, you could be using propane in your home for that. Powering something like a forklift would fall under the category of commercial propane. We specialize in both types of propane services here at Gastec. The main goal of our propane company is to keep our customers completely satisfied. We make to do this by giving our customers access to our customer service team at all times so that they can assist with anything that may come up. We also have the ability with our system to offer people the absolute highest quality of propane services, for the lowest price. We want to be able to give our customers like those in Warminster exactly what they need without breaking their bank in the process. This way, we can help more people and grow and better business.