
During the chilly fall and cold winter months, many folks like to cozy up by the fireplace for a little extra warmth or just to spend some good quality time together. 

Residential Propane Fireplace Options

During the chilly fall and cold winter months in New Jersey and Pennsylvania, many individuals like to cozy up by a fireplace for a little extra warmth or just spend some good quality time together. While most people already have a heating system in place to heat their whole home, a fireplace is a nice option to supplement the heating system. In particular, propane fireplaces are an attractive and practical preference for many homeowners. These units use a fraction of the BTUs that a full heater system uses so heating a room or two with just a fireplace can be a great way to cut down on your overall energy costs. Keep your home warm this season with a propane fireplace or propane fireplace insert from GasTec! Below we highlight some of the many advantages you’ll receive with a propane fireplace.  

Benefits of Propane Fireplace Installation

Auxiliary heating is not the only reason to consider propane fireplace installation. Many people grew up with family time in front of the fireplace. By choosing propane to power your fireplace, you can feel confident knowing that you have a non-toxic fuel heating your home while you cuddle up to watch a movie or spend a little time after work decompressing. Using propane for a fireplace also eliminates the need to clean up after a messy wood fire. Not to mention, propane fireplaces require very little annual maintenance. Keep reading to learn several other reasons  you will enjoy your propane fireplace: 

  • Unmatched convenience – No more gathering wood to start a fire and keep it going. With propane, power your fireplace with the click of a button, and when you’re ready to power it off, you don’t have to worry about cleaning up afterward.
  • Attractive style – Today’s propane fireplace inserts come in many designs and styles to match any home’s interior decor and aesthetic. 
  • Safety – A propane fireplace is the safest option when you want to enjoy the glow of a fire indoors. It produces no embers, contains no unstable log piles, and leaves behind no harmful creosote. 
  • Cost-effective – Your propane fireplace operates at four to five times the efficiency of a wood hearth, so you’ll pay less to stay warm. With propane, after purchasing an insert, all you have to worry about is keeping your propane tanks filled. Most of our customers who use propane fireplaces are not very high-consumption propane users. And that is perfectly fine! Every customer is different, and we have tanks that fit all uses.

Why Partner With GasTec and Our Propane Fireplace Services?

If you’re sick of struggling with cumbersome wood piles or tired of your rising energy bill, now is the time to make the switch to propane! We can help you choose the right propane gas fireplace and insert for your home or office in Bucks County, Montgomery County, Chester County, Delaware County, Lehigh County, Philadelphia County, or most of Central Jersey. Our team specializes in propane fireplace maintenance and installation services. Whether you want to install an outdoor propane fireplace or are looking for a company that can assist with propane fireplace maintenance, contact us at 888-449-3585 to request a service.

gastec fireplace

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